Kaiserschmarrn - Shredded Pancakes

I’ve lived in Vienna for a year and one thing Austria is well known for is its passion for desserts.

One of my absolute Austrian favourites is the Kaiserschmarrn.

It’s basically fluffy pancakes torn into pieces, then dusted in icing sugar and served traditionally with applesauce or in my case with plum compote. Vanilla sauce also works quite well.

If you fancy, you can also add in some raisins soaked in rum.

Happy Baking!


125g flour

3 eggs (separated)

200ml milk

Pinch of salt

1 tbsp butter

Fruit compote


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.

  2. In a large bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.

  3. Combine the flour, salt, egg yolks and milk.

  4. Carefully fold in the egg whites, one-third at a time. Don’t overwhisk.

  5. Melt the butter in an oven-proofed pan over medium heat.

  6. Pour the batter into the pan.

  7. Leave the pan on the heat for about 2 minutes until the pancake just starts to set around the edges.

  8. Transfer the pan to the oven and bake for about 15 minutes until golden brown and puffed up. If the centre still feels soft, leave it in the oven for another couple of minutes.

  9. Shred the pancake into small pieces using two spatulas.

  10. Dust with icing sugar and serve warm with your preferred fruit compote.




Lemon And Raspberry Muffins