Quick Irish Soda Bread

This Irish Soda Bread is one of my absolute favourite breads to make, I usually bake it once a week.

The reason why I like it so much, apart from its taste of course, is because of how quick and easy it is to make.

Plus, it’s super versatile, you can use all sorts of flour (as long as it adds up to 450g in total), add seeds, add some spices., or whatever you are in the mood for.

I’ve given you the basic recipe as well as some alternatives to play with.

Happy Baking!

PS. Nothing can beat the taste of a fresh, warm slice with some salted butter on top!


200g strong white flour

250g strong wholemeal flour -

(or 150g rye flour or spelt flour and 100g wholemeal flour)

50g oats

30g seeds (i.e. pumpkin, sunflower, linseeds, hemp)

1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

1 tsp salt

About 400ml buttermilk


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (fan).

  2. In a big bowl, mix the flour, oats, seeds, soda and salt together.

  3. Make a well in the centre and pour in half of the buttermilk. Use your fingertips to draw the flour into the buttermilk.

  4. Slowly add more buttermilk until all the flour has been absorbed and you get a sticky dough. You may not need all of the buttermilk depending on the flour you’re using.

  5. Tip the dough onto a dusted surface and shape it into a ball. Do not over-knead the dough.

  6. Place the dough onto a lined baking tray and mark it into quarters using a sharp knife. Make sure to cut deeply into the loaf almost through to the base.

  7. Bake for about 40 min on the bottom shelf of your oven until the loaf is golden brown and sounds hollow when you tap it on the base.

  8. Leave to cool on a wire rack.


Rhubarb And Cinnamon Roll


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