The Excel Sheet Part 1 - Finding a Fluffy Breed


Dear Diary,

It all started with an excel sheet.

People laughed at me (and still do) when I tell them about it.

What is on this mysterious sheet you might think? Well, it’s my very German and probably analytical way of getting prepped for a kitten adoption.

Finding the right (fluffy) breed

First things, first. I had to decide on a breed. So there is one tab on my excel sheet called ‘cat breeds’.

There are very cute cat breeds and then there are the well, let’s call them less pretty ones. A cat without any fluffy hair isn’t really a cat in my eyes. Though, taste differs.

So I quickly reduced the potential breeds down to three. As a first-time cat owner, I was looking for a breed that is easy-going, affectionate and also suitable as an indoor cat. A beginner cat so to speak.

Also, somehow in my head, I’ve always imagined a blue coloured cat. Yes blue. In cat terminology this is grey. And yes, Jamie is quite far away from blue…

I also quite like tabby ones (those with stripes like a tiger) and any light cream colours. By the way, the colour factor was also a column on my sheet.

Considering all this, I ended up with three potential breeds. The British Shorthair (BHS), the Russian Blue and the Chartreux. The first one seemed to be the most logical option. Why get a cat with Russian or French heritage when there is a local one?

The British Shorthair

BHS it is. Let the research begin. Yes, I did take that bit very seriously.

BHS are also called the teddy bears within cats.

Not only because of their appearance (little Jamie yet to develop the typical chubby cheeks) but mainly due to their dense coat. They’re very, very fluffy creatures, but still short-haired.

They are said to be active but not too crazy. They’re smart but don’t feel the urge to show off by figuring out how to open your fridge. Very important point!

They’re affectionate and loving towards their owners without being too cloying.

They love attention, but also prefer their alone time. It’s said that they are not lap cats as such and rather prefer to lie by your side, which was totally fine by me.

Sounded quite perfect to me. A happy, fluffy breed.

One big question to tick off my list.

Exemption to every rule

A little side note here - whilst I’m writing about BHS characteristics and comparing them with Jamie, I have to admit that he’s probably not the typical BSH.

Just the fact that he’s cuddled up on my lap quite a lot for his naps is probably not what all of them tend to do. Preferably whilst I’m working or watching TV at night (or right now, whilst writing this). Basically, the moment I sit down, he’s on his way to my lap… Just waiting for his moment. Not to mention that he loves to sneak into my bed.

He’s the most cuddly creature I’ve ever met. He actively seeks his cuddles whilst purring his heart and soul out. And I love him for this.

My friends always joke that I’ll de-fluff him eventually with all those cuddles and petting.

He is like my little shadow. Following me around. And sometimes being run over … maybe I should buy him a collar with a little bell…

There is indeed no greater gift than the love of a cat.


Wait. There Is a Waiting List?


Let’s Adopt A Kitten.