The Kitten Starter Kit - Things You Don’t Need


Dear Diary,

The paradox of choice.

Guess, we are all familiar with it. Too many things to choose from. Something that seems to cover all aspects of our life. Even when it comes to the kitten starter kit.

I’ve noticed quite early on that there’s a lot you definitely don’t need. Or put it that way, stuff your cat doesn’t need to be a happy cat.

Things You Definitely Don’t Need

We all just want the best for our furry friends. We want to spoil them. Without a question.

Cats love to chase, catch, pounce and scratch. And rest assured there’re tons of toys to cover all this and more. From cheap options to high-priced, luxury versions. Just waiting for you to be added to your shopping cart. But are they all really necessary?

The more, the better?

Easy to get tempted. I get that. Pretty sure those toys have been designed with the human in mind (FOMO alert), rather than the cat. Look at this cute little, fluffy mouse, those tiny ears and I love those vibrant colours! … Well, cats are red/green colour-blind by the way.

But stay strong. Just walk past them. There is such a thing as too many cat toys in the house.

You definitely don’t need 10 different fish toys just because they look slightly different. You also don’t need to buy a new toy every week. Believe me, your cat most likely won’t appreciate it. They tend to stick to their favourite ones anyway.

Keep it to a minimum. You’ll notice that they wear off after a (short) while. So that’s your chance to spoil your kitty again, with something new and exciting!

And yes, cats tend to lose their toys. Constantly. I was a bit shocked the other day when I had a peek underneath my mattress…

What about automated toys?

Well, think of them what you want. But in my opinion, those automated toys are for lazy cat owners …

For me, playing with Jamie is quality bonding time. I’d say, it’s a way to relax and calm down. For me, not him ... Plus, it’s a joy to watch him chase his toys and how much fun he has. So why would you let a machine do it for you?

I mean I get the idea that this might be a way to keep your cat busy whilst at work or away. But again, does it have to be an automated toy? There are plenty of non-automated interactive toys that achieve the same result - challenge your cat whilst keeping them busy and entertained.

Again, you can DIY those interactive toys. Loo rolls make for a great puzzle. Cardboard boxes also make a quick cat play box, just cut some holes in them. Again, get creative.

Most importantly - Jamie’s opinion

If you ask Jamie, cat beds are way overestimated! To date, he hasn’t set a paw into his very comfy and fluffy bed. I’ve tried different places, no chance. Tried to attract him with his favourite toys. Even lure him with some catnip. Nope.

First I thought it might be the smell. Cats can be quite funny with new things. But it has been over 9 months now. Still not interested. He might be an exception to the rules.

But there is this thing with cats, they either love something or they truly hate it.

Though don’t give up too quickly. Some toys might become of interest at some point. Out of the blue when you’ve already forgotten about them … I mean we’re talking about cats here, right?


Bringing Him Home


The Kitten Starter Kit - Things You Need