Wee Scottish Diaries by Cate

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Let’s Adopt A Kitten.

Say hello to Jamie.

Dear Diary,

Life is full of surprises, indeed.

When I was a kid, I wasn’t particularly fond of cats. 

I guess you could say that I was rather scared. Especially of their sharp claws. I was never sure if I could pet them without being scratched to death. I was convinced that they had some sort of evil character traits. And in general, would just do whatever they want and pleases them. So I’d rather stay away from them.

Now, I’m a proud owner of wee Jamie.

That’s how life can make a U-turn. And I wouldn’t want to miss the little chap for one more day. He stole my heart the moment I saw him. He brings joy to my life, joy that many of us are probably missing a lot during this pandemic year 2021.

You could argue Jamie is a bit like my therapeutic cat. Watching him just lying next to me on the window sill. Snoozing in the sun. Yes, life with all its little moments is worth it.

But back to the beginning. Me and cats. 

Am I a Dog Person?

I grow up with a rabbit. That’s as far as I ever got with pets. In my dreams (where you imagine your life as a grown-up), I wanted to have a horse and a dog. The classic combo.

My parents weren’t particular pet persons either, though I guess I didn’t even try to convince them to get a dog. Instead, I went to my grandpa. With success.

Thinking back now, I sadly lost interest in the dog after a while. 

At some point, I realised that dogs, loving as they are, are just too much for me. They can be all over you. They jump on you. They lick your face. You never know what they’re up to when you come across one. I could keep on going, but you get what I want to say. I am not a dog person.

Maybe I’m More of a Cat Person?

Some say you can divide people into dog lovers and cat lovers (and yes there are those who love both equally). So if dogs are not my calling, maybe it’s cats?

After having a closer look at cats, I figured out that they seemed to be much more to my liking. In fact, they are almost like me.

They need their alone time. They actually don’t mind being on their own now and then. They have their own head and do as they like. You can’t really train them as you can do with dogs. But they also need their cuddles. They are affectionate, they are loyal. They enjoy being with their human. The perfect creature for me.

So pretty soon this idea manifested in my mind - maybe I should adopt a kitten?

There’re a few signs, call them warning signs, when people around me are finally getting fully aware that what had started as an initial idea or dream became a project of mine.

Projects usually have an end goal. Mine was the kitten adoption.

Not only did I start talking a lot more about kittens and cats. Probably much to the annoyance of people around me.

I took it one step further, I started an Excel sheet. This might be the analytical marketer coming through or some of my German traits. Good preparation is everything.

A year later, I was 100%. I am doing it. I am gonna adopt a kitten.

… so I did.