My Life With A Cat


Dear Diary,

It’s been almost a year since Jamie came into my life.

And it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made.

I honestly can’t imagine how it was without him.

It feels like he’s been here all the time.

Crazy how quickly you actually get used and attached to your furry friend.

The Endless Love Of A Cat

Cats give you so much.

Like, when he’s waiting behind the door when I come home.

Being greeted by a purring cat after a long day at work makes you forget everything. It slows you down instantly.

Even after a night out. 2 am, he’ll be there, waiting!

Or, when he’s waiting for me to get up in the morning.

Yeah, on some days more patiently than on others … Making his way up to my face to check if I’m still alive aka awake. If not, one might give it a little nudge. Just to make sure.

But there’s nothing that can top all the cuddles on the sofa.

Cats are therapeutic. They truly are.

The Chuckles With A Cat

Cats are also the kings of pet comedians I think.

There’s a reason why there are so many memes and comics featuring a cat. And those are actually pretty spot on. Yep, that’s what a life with a cat looks like.

The amount of times he makes you smile and laugh is priceless.

The other day, I was ready to go to bed, and he was staring at the ceiling, meowing loudly.

By now, I know that this can only mean one thing. He’s spotted an insect.

You would assume that he should know that there was no way of reaching it.

But you could tell by his body language that he was desperate to catch it.

So he tried to jump up the wall, vertically. Twice.

Full on and then sloooowly sliding down again with his paws scratching the wall. Slapstick! It was hilarious to watch!

So yes, there really is no greater gift than the love of a cat!


Why Is My Cat So Weird?


Cat-To-Human - Let’s Talk Cats Talk