The Cats Of Istanbul


Dear Diary,

The 4 week countdown to my long awaited Istanbul adventure is on.

Why this place is so special to me?

Well, 50 % of my family is from Istanbul, and still lives there.

To date, I’ve only been there once and a second visit is much overdue.

Right, but where’s the cat content here?

Of course, Jamie will be in charge of housesitting whilst I’m away and won’t join me on my travels.

So, here’s your cat (kedi in Turkish) link to Istanbul.

Istanbul is the place to be for cat lovers!

They even have their own Instagram page #CatsofIstanbul

Apparently, they follow you around in the streets and sit on your lap when you take a çay (tea) break.

It’s hard to take a picture in front of one of the many famous sights without a cat sneaking into it.

Istanbul’s Love for Cats

The city is indeed well-known for their “stray” cats. Though stray cats might not be the most suitable description here.

Compared to other western cities those cats are well fed, healthy and looked after by the community. 

They’re properly pampered.

You’ll find food bowls and boxes all around the city. Everyone feels responsible for their feline neighbours. Locals even take them to the vet if necessary. 

You could argue those are the kind of pets that belong to everyone.

So, maybe a better word for those strays would be communal cats.

The History of Cats in Istanbul

But where does this affinity for cats come from?

There are several theories.

The most common one is linked to the rich Turkish culture and religion.

In Islam, cats are considered ritually clean animals and seen as guardians.

They defend historical places from mice and other vermin and have protected cities from rat-borne diseases like plaque.

There even is this saying: “If you kill a cat, you need to build a mosque to be forgiven by God.” There you go.

So, as split as the country and city might be, it is and will always be united by its love of cats. 

Meet Gli - The Most Famous Istanbul Feline

Gli has called the Hagia Sofia mosque her home for 16 years.

Welcoming visitors from all around the world has been her main duty and kept her busy all those years, but one particular meeting brought her fame around the world.

The day she met Barack Obama. Who was caught on camera petting her during his trip in 2009. Very adorable!

Before I head off to work on my Turkish, here’s a film recommendation for you - Kedi, telling the story of 7 Istanbul cats.


Holiday Time - Finding A Cat Sitter


Why Is My Cat So Weird?