Cat Age Versus Human Age


Dear Diary,

I can’t believe that Jamie is turning two soon.

He has grown up in a blink of an eye.

I well remember the day when I picked him up, the first night, the first week … A lot of firsts for me and him in those two years.

Every now and then, I scroll through my photo feed and come across Jamie as a kitten.

What a cute wee fluff ball he was.

Jamie 4 month’s old

How Cats Grow Up

Whilst a 2-year-old human is still a toddler and behaving like one, a cat is already well in his junior years. Fully grown and in its peak physical condition.

In fact, the quickest development of cats happens within the first two years.

After this period the aging slows down and becomes more steady. They are still very active in those years, making the best of their, indeed very exhausting, life as a cat.

Before they then eventually calm down and develop one or the other sign of ageing during their senior years. Senior cats get back pain too!

Jamie has changed a lot over time. Not only physically (from white to tabby) but his character has grown and manifested as well.

Curious as ever, playful and full of mischief. But also very affectionate and demanding his regular cuddles.

Jamie is definitely one of those cats who look in the mirror and see a lion.

He is also stubborn that’s for sure. Like dogs come when you call them. Cats take the message and might come back to you later … or never.

How Old Is Your Cat If It Would Be A Human?

There is this saying that one human year is equivalent to seven cat years.

Not really true though. In reality, it’s more around 15 years.

This makes Jamie a young adult in his mid-20s. Not bad. And he’s catching up on me quickly.

Here’s a nice overview chart of cat versus human age:

How old is your cat?

So, cheers to Jamie and many more years to come! I wouldn’t want to miss a single day.


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