Wee Scottish Diaries by Cate

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Flower Of Scotland - The Corries

Dear Diary,

There’s one quintessential Scottish thing I’m still pretty clueless about. Rugby.

To me, it looks a bit like men having random cuddles on the pitch, coming together in weird-looking turtle formations now and then. And the game as such seems to be more on hold than it actually flows.

Anyways. Rugby rules confusions aside, the Rugby Six Nations are fully back on at the moment. Stadiums and pubs are buzzing with fans.

But there’s one other thing that is part of every Scottish rugby game, a particular song.

A Wee Bit of Nostalgia

It’s our very own unofficial national anthem, called Flower of Scotland. Written by Roy Williamson in the mid-60s who later formed a band called The Corries.

This song gives me goosebumps every time I hear it.

However, there’s another not sport-related reason why this song is so special to me.

Let’s travel back in time.

Failté to Scotland

Our story takes place in Scotland. To be more precise, in a small town called Forfar, up north between Dundee and Aberdeen. The year is 1975.

My mum has just arrived after a long and exciting journey from Bavaria. Her very first time in Scotland.

3 weeks full of adventures and new impressions are ahead of her as part of a student exchange program. And this probably is also the moment when she falls in love with the country and the people, passing it on to me years later (yep still blaming her…).

She always speaks very fondly about her time here and also her foster family who introduced her to all things Scottish.

Porridge for breakfast, a fresh salmon sandwich for lunch, and a cuppa before bedtime. Her first haggis encounter, which she actually liked! Fish and chips with vinegar, on the other hand, were not something she would miss back home.

Her foster family also took her around the country, whisky distillery and Highland Games included.

How My Mum Met the Corries

However, no Scotland visit without a proper pub night out. Preferably with live music.

At this time, my mum had literally no idea who this Scottish folk group was on stage and how popular this one song (and the group) will be a couple of years on.

Nevertheless, the Germans loved the performance. The Corries dedicated their last song to them - Flower of Scotland.

My mum even bought their first LP record after the concert. And yes, she should have asked them to sign it…

Time went on and the LP got forgotten in my Grandma’s house.


My very own Flower of Scotland encounter

40 years later, I had a look through my mum’s LP selection and came across one with Scottish folk songs only.

Of course, I wanted to know more about it. Though, had to buy a record player first…

I guess, once the first tunes of Flower of Scotland filled the air, my mum finally realised what had happened all those years back.

She had actually seen the Corries performing live in Scotland at their very early beginnings.

I mean, how cool is that?!

If you don’t know the song yet, you’re missing out. Have a listen!