Finding Jamie - The Day We Met


Dear Diary,

There are moments in life you will always remember as if they just happened yesterday.

This is one of those moments.

How We Met

One evening, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed. Being, once again, enchanted by all those cute little kittens but also a bit jealous of their newly found homes and owners.

One day, I thought. One day, I will be lucky as well.

At some point, I saw a breeder’s post with two brothers. One British blue and one white colour-pointed one. I came across those cuties before and remember how fascinated I was by the white one. Quite an unusual colour for a BHS.

To this point, I’m struggling to describe his colour pattern. He is whiteish or even slightly cream with some distinct tabby patterns on his face and paws. I think you call it a seal point tabby. And the older he gets, the more you can see this tabby pattern developing over his whole body.

Anyhow, I was fascinated. So I clicked on the post to get to the breeder’s Facebook page for some more information.

The first post on the page was featuring the white kitten saying “This gorgeous boy is still looking for his forever home.”


This is My Chance

I could feel my heartbeat going up.

I had this warm feeling that slowly spreads across my belly. Some might call this desire... But looking back I’d probably call it love at first sight. I just couldn’t take my eyes off this little cutie. It was just too tempting.

Sometimes you should just go with your gut feelings, right?

Not questioning whether it is the right decision, the right time, the right moment in life. Those moments rarely exist anyways.

Be brave, take on the adventure.

Even though I was madly in love with the little one already, I just needed one last argument in favour. To be 100% sure that this is the right decision and that I’m actually going ahead.

So, I quickly scrolled up to check where the breeder is located and much to my surprise they were only a 20 min drive away from where I live.


Too Good to be True?

Despite it being already past 10 in the evening, I didn’t want to risk waiting for the next morning to message the breeder.

I just asked: “Is your gorgeous boy still available?”. Somehow dreading that the answer would be no.

I think, I even tried to convince myself that there’ll be other kittens available at some point and that after all, I wanted a blue, female one, right? This was a male, certainly not blue coloured kitten.

The answer came pretty quickly - “Yes, he is”.

I guess this was THE moment when I knew, I want him. No matter what.

So, I said yes.

On to New Adventures (and Back to the Excel Sheet)

And never felt better and more ecstatic in my life before.

I think my parents and my friends to this point, still weren’t fully aware of how serious I was about getting a kitten rather sooner than later.

When I made the big announcement, it was probably a shock for them.

I remember my dad saying, “So you’ve reserved him now and will meet him soon. This means you can still say ‘no thanks, I don’t want him’, right?”.

Even if this would have been an option, I was pretty sure that this wasn’t going to happen.

He would be mine in 6 weeks’ time. The kitten countdown was on!

Time to start a new Excel sheet - (essential) things to buy for a kitten.

But first things first, he needed a name! I had started a list already, sheet number 3 on my Excel sheet …


Decision Time - The Name


Wait. There Is a Waiting List?